To assist our clients to discover how and why the discomfort, disease, challenges, and/or symptoms are developed and maintained. So, we follow the body’s lead/perspective/innate wisdom. To sum up, it lets the practitioners eliminate ‘the cause’ instead of only eliminating the recurring ‘symptoms’.
The BodyTalk System TM: is a ‘Wholistic Healthcare System. Also, It is unique in that we ask the body’s inner wisdom what is priority and in what sequence should the compromised items be reconnected for enhanced communication. In brief, we then use a tapping technique to have the brain focus on the new connectivity for more rapid healings/changes. Heard many times: I feel lighter, more ‘together’ and centered, less stressed, positive etc.
Reiki: We also use the healing energy of Reiki which can be used as a stand alone session. Additionally, Reiki is used as a complement to the session if it shows up as a priority.
Qi Gong: The ‘Chinese medicine,’ was developed over 2,000 years ago. At the present time, there are numerous scientific articles and scientific clinical experiments showing it’s amazing health benefits.
Wellness Wonders: These are an endless combination of easy-to-learn techniques for the whole family to use. We teach our clients ‘healthful hints’ we call ‘wellness wonders’, for taking care of: headaches, toothaches, sprains, stings, balance, focus, immune system enhancement, and more. Additionally we, ‘give’ away many ‘Wellness Wonders’ during your customized sessions. So, how about a customized ‘Wellness Wonders’ session for your family to bolster their health, naturally?